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Brighton Indie Report - 1 - Username Fedler

Fourlines Group

About the Artist:

Fedler is quickly building a great library of music, his new release is a beautiful modern indie Ballard. With traditional drums and guitars, and modern electronic elements, its a track with high versatility and intrigue.

Username is Fedlers 6th release and its testament to a consistent unique sound that he is crafting. It's an alternative song with a popy nature with catchy hooks and interesting sound design. This song is a testament to Fedler's creative vision with him being soul writer, producer and performer. He is the creme de la creme of a modern diy indie artist. Not only is this song great on recordings, but on the occasions I have been lucky enough to see him live, he has been an incredible performer also.


About the track:

Username tells a story of once lovers, and we follow fedler who wishes that she had given him her username so he could get back in contact. It features great studio quality production, strong lyrical motifs and beautiful melodic rhythms. You can find the links from the button below:

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