Overveiw of the EP:
The ep "hold me, hold me" is a great look at
The possibility of music in the modern world, the ep takes us on a journey of epic proportions (with hammering drums and sharp hitting synths). From the disorientating first song "dreamstealer" to the upbeat finale with "bleed my love" we are dragged though all imaginable feelings as public circuit warps our expectations again and again.
The song dreamstealer starts with an open and airy synthesised sitar (or similar instrument)
Before then entering into the more alternative rock-based section: with bass and drums as we are taken into the bands world before being released by the vocals "everybody wants to be like you". The song goes on to explain how everyone tries to escape the monotony of daily life and how the dream world can offer an escape. As well as being lyrical genius the song offers an incredible progression nothing short of a classical orchestra's standards.
The strangers:
The second song "the strangers"
Offers a rockier and faster paced take on "dreamstealer" with clear
Inspirations from heroes' era bowie and outsider music like the shaggs.
The song takes on a classic love-story
With the musical accompaniment
Stopping it from falling into the
Typical cliché.
This song ("091") is more experimental than the previous two but it definitely pays off. From the overdriven vocals to strange musical progressions (which sound like lasers breaking through metal) this song indulges the listener into the world of their very own persuading and tempting them to once again leave this world and "close their eyes" to focus on the mind that their world is creating within.
Red black
In the song "red black" we see a
Continuation of the more experimental side of 091 whilst adding in alternative rock elements with the electric guitar parts.
The vocals are just as disorientating as the
"dreamstealer" with the instrumental sections offering a release to just throw you back into the organised chaos as the singer mocks us with a harsh reminder of what we could have had.
Bleed my love
Bleed my love offers a more indie rock sound to the listener: as a finale or goodbye to the listener; with the singer calling out for more love and talking of how they will be alone without you, before winding down in an instrumental middle.
The vocals then kick back in in a pained and harsh manner as the singer gets more desperate for support but i'd eventually drowned out by the heavy bass. With the placement the song has in the ep it is meant to be a release) instead forces the listener to go back to the previous songs as their questions remain unanswered and stagnant in their mind, it offers again the idea that life can't be your dream world and now suggests their is no escape to the cycle.